Thursday, October 22, 2009


So I drew one frame and tried to trace the other two. it's pretty crazy how hard it is to make the same drawing more than once. also I am super cold right now.
I can't remember if I mentioned on the blog yet, but I got a job. my first real shift starts on monday. pretty cool, eh? I was getting really low in funds there for a while. yikes.
There's an animation event happening this weekend. anybody round these parts (Halifax!) should check it out. :) I am going to the one on monday! also maybe the other one.

and lastly, the H1N1 flu shots are going to be approved soon. I think most of us will have access to them in the first few days of November. I'm calling my doc tomorrow to get me a tentative appointment. please consider doing the same, you guys. I care about youuuuuu.
I think that's all for tonight. toodles!


  1. Ugh. I caught the flu before flu shots were available this year. It sucked big time. I'd strongly suggest getting the flu shot once it's approved.

    Also, tracing things is even harder for those of us with the artistic talent of a particularly dense brick. :P

  2. did you get swine flu though DMac? I've never had a flu shot before ever. not a fan of unnecessary shots, haha.

  3. Doc never clarified what version I had and they didn't do any blood work, so I don`t really know. Felt worse than the normal one though, especially for my poor kidneys who cried in pain the whole time. I was pretty much laid out for a week and a half and the doc told me not to go to school for a couple days after I felt better even. Since the swine flu is basically a powerful normal flu I guess it's entirely possible.
