Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Retroactive Updates!

Hi guys, gonna start filling you in on the artwork I made that I haven't posted yet! There's stuff going back to January, and if I haven't posted it either I didn't have time when I made it or I had planned to go back and revise it. Well tough, past-Ana, time is up and it's getting posted whether you like it or not.
I'm gonna start with my Background paintings! We did a colour book and two paintings in this class, which took place during the shorter spring semester. I already posted the first background, so this is the results of the second background we painted! We got to paint a background we had designed ourselves, and I chose my Jekyll and Hyde design, which you can see a couple of posts down. I remember having a hard time getting it to look the way I wanted (especially to look dark enough) but in the end I was happy enough with it. This was what I chose to show in the little art show that was held at a nearby gallery also. You can see a photo of me at the show after the Readmore. (:


1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! =D!! You look adorable at the show, too!! =3
