Wednesday, December 2, 2009


what do you mean that's not what spacemen do? EVERYONE knows you do funky space ballet in "Zero G" when you go to space. duh.
monday will be my 200th post. wooooo.


  1. 200?! I AM IMPRESSED AND PROUD! Maybe when you hit 500, you'll know you're able to do webcomic-y goodness. <3 I bet you will someday... Did I ever tell you I predict the future?

    BUT I love this pose, and would LOVE to go to space just to reenact this moment.

  2. Best space bit ever. I love it.

  3. guys you should go to space with me in the future. we could bring a disco ball! oh it would be glorious.

  4. Zero G is a nonsensical term unless there's either no mass around you to infinity. I won't go into details, mostly because it's too hard for me to explain.

  5. everyone should come to space with me. even you, Lee.
    also, my imagination exists outside of the realm of sensibility. also, I think I have a vague idea of what you mean through my bare understanding of gravity. I wish I had more of a physics background sometimes.
