100th post.
Looking great! I thought it was a photo for a second. It looks quite painterly and nice bigger, too.
I like
I just showed dad my latest desktop bkgd and he said where did you get that photo? I said, It's not a photo it's Ana's art. He said wow that's just how they look, eyes far ahead, and feet tucked up. Beautiful work Ana!
100th post.
ReplyDeleteLooking great! I thought it was a photo for a second. It looks quite painterly and nice bigger, too.
ReplyDeleteI like
ReplyDeleteI just showed dad my latest desktop bkgd and he said where did you get that photo?
ReplyDeleteI said, It's not a photo it's Ana's art. He said wow that's just how they look, eyes far ahead, and feet tucked up.
Beautiful work Ana!